Looking back through the memories

Albert Ng

Looking back

Truth to be told, literature was not my forte. And this class at first was taken just because i need to for my major, Computer Programming and Information System. As the major suggests, i didn't think much beside that this class is one that i have to go through just for that major.

First day into the class and i was greeted by many, people with different motivation and objective that took this class, who are also kind to help each other. And the professor is probably one of the most passionate teacher, who able to make the subject interesting.

Around the time, this semester was filled with great professors that managed to make me learn more than what i thought, and this is the feeling that I missed, not just going from home to college, but to interact with people while learning something.

And after this semester ends, I admit that I will miss the professors so much, but as i move on, I will never forget them and always be thankful for them. And I hope for the best for their future as well as we part our ways.