My top 3 lectures from EGL102 class

Parallel Lines of Reality and Illusion

The main driving theme of the Streetcar named Desire is the conflict between the main character, Blanche struggle with the reality, by hiding in so called illusion. In this lecture, I find Blanche is a mentally broken character and found her character to be tragic as she wasn't able to face her reality, but it also shows that she is desperate for love which unfortunately she won't get as she destroys herself. The character is tragic but it also a lesson that it is best to face the reality rather than living in lies, a harsh but effective lesson.

The Cruelty of Oppression 

One type of Oppression that is very prevalent in modern society is Silence. The story depicted in the short story "Children of the seas" is a clear example of oppression that instills fear into its people, forcing them to be silent or else be silenced forever (In other way, Killed). It was a gloomy lecture but it shows that silence is indeed one of the Oppression that is strong and profound.

It always filled with Love

 One thing that i always noticed in most lectures are Love. In this, specially on Antigone, love is often to be a motivator for the protagonist to have the will to live. Blanche in "Streetcar named Desire" looks for love that she lust for, the protagonist on the boat in the story "the Children of The Sea" have love who he still connect with. And for Antigone, Haemon's love for antigone that overrides his fear of his own father and the strict laws. In other way, what Creon did is also love for his own country. Love is truly universal and it still goes strong, from thousands of years to now.